Graphic Designer
1/2020 - 3/2020
The Vice President of Palace Inn was not satisfied with their current key cards and wanted to redesign the key card for Palace Inn Blue and Red to highlight their more luxurious line of hotels.
Redesign the hotel card for Palace Inn so that the user can get an extension of the high-quality room they are staying at while not taking away from the critical information on the key card.
I researched various competitors and the style of key cards they offered. Many had advertisements on their key cards or offered a plain style that matched the company's colors. I wanted to be innovative and create something new.


My inspiration came from Rubies and Sapphires. Both are luxurious stones with different shades of red and blue that allure the user.

I noticed that with the new key cards there was an added excitement for clients to reach their room. It added to their experience and provided them with an idea of the room they were expecting.
I would like to simplify the instruction on the back of the card so that it would easier for users to understand and it would provide a more luxurious feel to the card.